As a CTI-trained coach, Abigail Wright works with each client on empowering their whole lives through balance, process, and fulfillment. Through transformational coaching, she helps others ignite their personal uprising - empowering them to change perspectives, reach goals, connect and expand their world and what’s possible, and evolve into the best version of themselves.
Incorporating mental fitness training, Abby also works with Positive Intelligence, proven to help people reduce stress and harness the power of the mind to create more ease and flow in life, work, relationships, and personal satisfaction.
Photo by Elizabeth Van Os
Our Mission
Time for Change Enterprises is the olympic torch that ignites change-makers to launch their personal uprisings.
True growth comes from challenging ourselves to face our fears, owning our greatness and potential, and stepping into the exciting unknown of possibility. Our mission is to help clients reach their true potential while becoming leaders in their lives and in the world.
“It is not easy to delve deep into one’s soul. But to do so with someone as understanding and caring as yourself, made it easier to go to those deep and important places; so that I could learn from my past and move forward into my future. ”